About Us
IRLE is an interdisciplinary institute at the University of California, Berkeley that connects world-class research with policy to improve workers’ lives, communities, and society.
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Research Centers
IRLE is home to several nationally-recognized centers conducting research, education, and outreach on pressing labor and employment issues.
California Policy Lab (CPL)
Labor Center
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE)
California Public Employee Relations (CPER)
Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics (CWED)
Macro Labor Center for the Study of Aggregate Labor Markets, Policies, and Institutions
Climate and Society Center
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Working Papers
Policy Briefs
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Scholarly Publications
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society
Faculty Resources
IRLE provides funding, grant management, publishing opportunities, and community for Berkeley labor scholars.
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Faculty Research Awards
Visiting Scholars Program
Grant Management
Student Opportunities
IRLE provides funding, training, publishing opportunities, and community for emerging graduate and undergraduate labor scholars.
Graduate Research Awards
Dissertation Fellowship
Social Sciences Research Pathways
Faculty-Led Research Cohorts
Labor Studies
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Newsletter Archive
Do Businesses Flee Citywide Minimum Wages
September 1, 2006 • Brief • By Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan, Michael Reich and Felix Su
In 2003, the cities of San Francisco, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, each passed citywide minimum wage laws, with broad coverage and wage levels set significantly above the federal…