Publications by Devon Lynch
The Composition of the Unemployed and Long-Term Unemployed in Tough Labor Markets
October 1, 2010 • Scholarly Publications • By Sylvia A. Allegretto and Devon Lynch
Monthly Labor Review, 133(10):3-18. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. October 2010. [accordions] [accordion title="Abstract" load="hide"]The share of unemployment accounted for by long-term unemployment has risen higher following the 2007–09 recession than following any other recent recession, and the makeup of the labor force, the unemployed, and the long-term unemployed has changed substantially since 1983 [/accordion] [/accordions]
July 1, 2010 • Working Papers • By Devon Lynch and Sylvia A. Allegretto
Abstract This paper documents and examines the demographic characteristics of the workforce in the context of unemployment and long-term unemployment with an emphasis on recessions. We first look at the…