Publications by Lawrence Mishel
Teacher pay penalty dips but persists in 2019
September 17, 2020 • Report • By Sylvia A. Allegretto and Lawrence Mishel
September 5, 2018 • Report • By Sylvia A. Allegretto and Lawrence Mishel
This report was produced in collaboration with The Economic Policy Institute. Summary and key findings Teacher strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Colorado have raised the…
August 9, 2016 • Brief • By Sylvia A. Allegretto and Lawrence Mishel
Report published by the Economic Policy Institute. An effective teacher is the most important school-based determinant of education outcomes.1 Therefore it is crucial that school districts recruit and retain…
Down and Out: Economists Assess the Teacher Pay Disadvantage
February 1, 2008 • Scholarly Publications • By Lawrence Mishel, Sean P. Corcoran and Sylvia A. Allegretto
California Public Employee Relations Journal, 128:13-21. February 2008. [accordions] [accordion title="Abstract" load="hide"]As public employees, elementary and secondary school teachers have the enormous responsibility of educating our youth,and much hinges on their success.Teacher quality is the most important input schools contribute to the academic success of their students.1 The ability of school officials to recruit and retain highly effective classroom teachers is a struggle in many school districts throughout the United States. For decades now, a small and declining fraction of the most cognitively skilled graduates choose to become teachers,2 while rigorous national standards and school-based accountability for student performance have pushed the demand for talented teachers to an all-time high. Prolific career opportunities have made it increasingly difficult to attract the best and the brightest into the profession. Professional women, historically afforded limited choices outside of teaching, have increasingly diverse career prospects. Attractive pay and compensation structures are part of the appeal of these ever- expanding opportunities. For this reason, it is important to ask whether teacher pay has kept up with that of other professions available to college graduates today. This article presents empirical evidence from several sources that documents relative teacher pay in a present and historical context. [/accordion] [/accordions]