Publications by Knut Gerlach
The Acceptability of Layoffs and Pay Cuts: Comparing North America with Germany
November 1, 2005 • Working Papers • By David I. Levine, Gesine Stephan, Knut Gerlach and Olaf Struck
Abstract Substantial evidence shows that North Americans are generally more accepting of the market than Europeans and attribute market outcomes to a larger degree to effort or skill. Thus, we…
Wage Moderation and Rising Unemployment
January 1, 2005 • Working Papers • By Knut Gerlach, Lloyd Ulman and Paola Giuliano
An IMF Country report (01/2003) concluded that “wage moderation” played a more important role than reductions in employers’ social security contributions and replacement rates of unemployment compensation or the deregulation…
An essay on collective bargaining and unemployment in Germany
May 1, 2003 • Working Papers • By Knut Gerlach and Lloyd Ulman
Can Germany in the 1990s provide a contemporary example of the “uneasy triangle” posited by The Economist in the early 1950s? As the millennium approached, Germany’s inflation rate was very…