Publications by Harold L. Wilensky
U.S. Health Care and Real Health in Comparative Perspective: Lessons from Abroad
February 1, 2010 • Working Papers • By Harold L. Wilensky
Abstract Among the 19 rich democracies I have studied for the past 40 years, the United States is odd-man-out in its health-care spending, organization, and results. The Obama administration might…
Migration and Politics: Explaining variation among rich democracies in recent nativist protest
July 1, 1998 • Working Papers • By Harold L. Wilensky
Rich democracies evidence convergent trends in immigration experience (cf. Gary P. Freeman, 1994, pp. 17-30; Collinson 1993, pp. 57-59; and Hollifield 1992, pp. 32-33, 84-85, 204-213): Increasing effort and capacity…
The Great American Job Creation Machine In Comparative Perspective
August 1, 1991 • Working Papers • By Harold L. Wilensky
Abstract Data on 18 rich democracies 1968-87 show that job creation is mainly a product of demographic changes (age structure, net migration rates) and changes in social structure (the rate…
The Nation-State, Social Policy, and Economic Performance
March 1, 1991 • Working Papers • By Harold L. Wilensky
Among the basic questions about the impact of “globalization” on public policy three are of great interest to both scholars and policymakers: Is the nation-state eroding as a unit of…
Active Labor-Market Policy: Its Content, Effectiveness, And Odd Relation To Evaluation Research
May 1, 1990 • Working Papers • By Harold L. Wilensky
It is no news that the desire to work is everywhere exceeding the supply of jobs. Whatever the cyclical fluctuations, rich democracies have since the early 1970s experienced the unhappy…