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2016 Visiting Scholar Workshop
December 5, 2016•9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Each year, IRLE hosts Visiting Scholars and Visiting Student Researchers who come to the Berkeley campus to work on independent research projects that contribute to the study of labor and employment issues. This workshop is an opportunity for visitors to present research at various stages of development and gain feedback from their peers and the IRLE research community.
Please RSVP to irle@berkeley.edu
9:30am – 10am | Coffee & Introduction
10am – 10:30am | Daphne Skandalis
The Discouraged-Worker Effect: How do jobseekers respond to information about local labor market tightness?
10:30am – 11am | Ramin Izadi
Impact of school closures on student achievement
11am – 11:15am | Coffee
11:15am – 11:45am | Fabian Mushovel
Austerity and inequality: First-order distributive effects of the economic adjustment programmes in the Eurozone
11:45am – 12:15pm | Yukiko Asai
Who Benefits from Flexible Labor Demand? New Evidence from a Matched Worker-Firm Panel
12:15pm – 1pm | Lunch
1pm – 1:30pm | Jonas Cederlof
Unemployment Duration and the Impact of Extended Benefits: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
1:30pm – 2pm | Lisa Simon
How much do grades really matter? Experimental evidence from German HR decisions
2pm – 2:15pm | Coffee
2:15pm – 2:45pm | Mathias Von Buxhoeveden
Unemployment insurance and youth labor market entry
2:45pm – 3:15pm | Claire Montialoux
How to predict the effects of higher minimum wages
3:15pm – 3:45pm | Roman Bobilev
Campaign contributions and firm performance: the Latvian Way
3:45pm – 4pm | Closing Remarks